Friday, December 27, 2019

Literary Analysis of Into the Wild - 1669 Words

Literary Analysis of Into The Wild Imagine spending thirty days alone in a tent or a cabin in the wilderness with no technology, electricity, running water, and any form of communication. Every day you wake up to the sight of the beautiful, tall trees and the various wildlife living in the area. Most of the time, you can hear the many sounds of nature: the majestic songs of birds, the whistling in the wind, and trees rustling. But sometimes all you can hear is nothing but silence. Most of us would not be able to do this and we would most likely want to be anywhere but here. Not many people will experience living in the wilderness, but for those who have will have memories to treasure forever. Among those people who would choose this†¦show more content†¦However, his relationship with his father Walt is much worse. Just like his father, McCandless was strong-willed and determined. Krakauer reports McCandlesss stubbornness, along with their contrasting beliefs, caused them to constantly clash with each other. McCandless always tried to live up to the high expectations set by Walt. According to Krakauer, when McCandless discovered that his father continued the relationship with his ex-wife, he felt betrayed and wronged by the hypocrisy of his fathers expectations. During his junior year at Emory, his animosity towards his parents intensified because, according to McCandless, they symbolized the injustice in the world at large (123). He scorned the money and gifts his parents tried to give him because he saw it as an attempt to spoil him and buy his trust. In addition, he was infuriated when his mother contacted him because he considered it as meddling and referred to the letter as stupid (124). After he finished college, he realized that he does not want anything to do with them, so he went on an adventure to Alaska in order to castigate and escape his parents. He still carries the burden of that family animosity because he is unable to forgive them. As Krakauer reported that many of his acquaintances learned that he still has some family issues. The odyssey is a way to transfer his feelings into his parents. He wanted to reverse the suffering they caused him. If anything were to happen to Chris,Show MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Jack Londons The Call Of The Wild707 Words   |  3 PagesThe Call of the Wild Literary Analysis Have Have you ever read The Call of the Wild? The Call of the Wild by Jack London it is a story about a dog name Buck that transformation from a pampered pet to a fierce,masterful wild,animal, and this transformation naturally means that the canine protagonist gradually separates himself from his human masters on his way to achieving a final independence. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Importance Of Customer Service For A Banking Facility...

The Importance of Customer Service in A Bank How many of us have walked into a banking facility and not received the customer service we expected to receive, plus the questions/problems we had were not answered/solved. We walked out disappointed and probably did not want to come back again; some customers even take into consideration in switching to another bank that offers better customer service and answers/resolves their questions/problems in a timely manner. While other customers actually do switch banks and give their business to our competition. Customer service in a banking facility is very vital because it either makes it a great bank or it destroys it. Customer service starts as soon as the customer walks through the front doors of the building either with the receptionist, if there is one, or with the tellers. First we have to understand the meaning of customer service to provide the customers with a great experience, according to English Oxford Dictionary it means,† the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.† Others, including myself, view customer service as the service given to us before, during, and after buying products/services from any business. what are the components good cs bad cs Others view customer service as what kind of service was offered to them before, during, and after they purchased a product/service in a banking facility The diagram above, comes from Corporate CoachShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Service Sector Essay1290 Words   |  6 Pagesorganizations that deal in the management of money fall in the financial service sector. They deal in many different ways through institutions like banks, insurance company, debit cards, credit cards and tools like these that offer the customers power to buy. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Career as a Forensic Specialist free essay sample

My future career as a Forensic Specialist Everest University Online Strategies for success My future career as a Forensic Specialist When I look into the future, after finishing college, I see myself as a Forensic Specialist. Why do I see myself as a Forensic Specialist you may ask? Well I will tell you why, Forensics has been something I have found astonishing and amazing since I was a kid because it can be fascinating on some of the things they find and inspect. The things a Forensic Specialist does is hard work but it is science so it is fun to learn, and I myself can’t wait to get my hands involved with some of the things they do.Another reason why I choose to go into Forensics is because it is good money, and I am able to help solve crimes and maybe hopefully one day put an end to some of the stuff that goes on in the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Career as a Forensic Specialist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the next few paragraphs I will go on to explain some of these and much more. Due to the advances in scientific technology in examining, crime scenes have turned the Forensic Specialist/Forensic Science jobs into very high demand. One of the very vast growing career fields in the world today is Forensic Specialist/Science field.To add to its popularity, Forensic Specialist jobs also include TV shows like CSI, or Crime Scene Investigators. The Forensic Specialist job field also has many subcategories which consist of forensic science consultants, fingerprint technicians and examiners, evidence technicians and forensic investigators. When it comes to schooling, In order to become a Forensic Specialist, several factors come into play. So just because you or someone else you may know, have a 4 year bachelors degree doesn’t always get you the job. Other factors that come into the play of this matter are training programs one may have taken, and or certificates or other degrees that a person may have obtained. The schooling usually only takes 2 years for an associates degree and 4 years for a bachelors. The pay of all science technicians, forensic specialist/scientists currently earn the second highest annual salary. In 2002 that pay was about $19. 73 an hour or approximately $41,000 but that isn’t the highest nor the lowest pay of a specialist.Depending on your rank, you could make as much as $31. 49 an hour or $65,000 annually and as low as $12. 06 an hour and $25,100 annually. The pay of a Forensic Specialist is determined on factors like the type of specialist you are, the rank in which you uphold, years of experience and the type of employment and its location. In 2012 the pay for a Forensic Specialist field will increase its pay by 19% with 360 job positions opening up each year. In conclusion to my research of becoming a Forensic specialist, I have came to make a choice to be one myself.For one I love investigating crime scenes, the pay sounds very good, and being as how I won’t graduate until 2013 or 2014 the pay that is suppose in 2012 will be even more once I start looking for a job in the field. Schooling to become such an expert isn’t all that bad, I mean 2 to 4 years isn’t a bad time limit for taking classes to get the degree I need to become a Forensic Specialist and to me will be well worth the money. Being as how the demand is so high for Forensic Specialist/Scientist I am sure there will be so many job openings when it comes time for me to go to work.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Dreaded Day free essay sample

It was hard to accept, but the dreaded day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears welling up in my six-year-old sister’s eyes as she looked around the empty closet in wonder. The space once filled with his clothes was now only filled with loneliness and sorrow. This wonderful little child had come to the realization that her father was gone. He had left us, and there was simply no way to reverse it. Being the oldest of four girls has never been an easy task, but with the departure of a father from our lives, our world and dreams were shattered beyond repair. My mother, the most amazingly whole-hearted person in the world, has worked harder than anybody should ever have to; simply to mend our broken household. However, long hours at work tend to hold her back from always being there in times of need. It is for this reason that I have held to step us as the temporary care-taker of my three small sisters. We will write a custom essay sample on The Dreaded Day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many might write about their high leadership positions in their schools and communities; however, I feel that the greatest accomplishment I have ever made is the leadership role I play within my own family. Senior year in high school is not simple for many, especially when it feels like the entire world is resting on only your shoulders. That is how I have felt for the past two years. I have been continuously striving to fulfill the dream that my mother holds for my future, all in the hopes of making her proud to call me her daughter. My mother was not able to complete her college education, and the success of her children is her highest priority. Being a leader is defined as one who has influence on others. I hope that my influence affects the lives of my sisters and everyone around me. In dedicating myself to school and family, I have set goals for myself that I will do anything to accomplish. I am an extremely determined individual, and Radford University will help me take the next step in climbing the ladder of success.

The Dreaded Day free essay sample

It was hard to accept, but the dreaded day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears welling up in my six-year-old sister’s eyes as she looked around the empty closet in wonder. The space once filled with his clothes was now only filled with loneliness and sorrow. This wonderful little child had come to the realization that her father was gone. He had left us, and there was simply no way to reverse it. Being the oldest of four girls has never been an easy task, but with the departure of a father from our lives, our world and dreams were shattered beyond repair. My mother, the most amazingly whole-hearted person in the world, has worked harder than anybody should ever have to; simply to mend our broken household. However, long hours at work tend to hold her back from always being there in times of need. It is for this reason that I have held to step us as the temporary care-taker of my three small sisters. We will write a custom essay sample on The Dreaded Day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many might write about their high leadership positions in their schools and communities; however, I feel that the greatest accomplishment I have ever made is the leadership role I play within my own family. Senior year in high school is not simple for many, especially when it feels like the entire world is resting on only your shoulders. That is how I have felt for the past two years. I have been continuously striving to fulfill the dream that my mother holds for my future, all in the hopes of making her proud to call me her daughter. My mother was not able to complete her college education, and the success of her children is her highest priority. Being a leader is defined as one who has influence on others. I hope that my influence affects the lives of my sisters and everyone around me. In dedicating myself to school and family, I have set goals for myself that I will do anything to accomplish. I am an extremely determined individual, and Radford University will help me take the next step in climbing the ladder of success.