Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Importance Of Customer Service For A Banking Facility...

The Importance of Customer Service in A Bank How many of us have walked into a banking facility and not received the customer service we expected to receive, plus the questions/problems we had were not answered/solved. We walked out disappointed and probably did not want to come back again; some customers even take into consideration in switching to another bank that offers better customer service and answers/resolves their questions/problems in a timely manner. While other customers actually do switch banks and give their business to our competition. Customer service in a banking facility is very vital because it either makes it a great bank or it destroys it. Customer service starts as soon as the customer walks through the front doors of the building either with the receptionist, if there is one, or with the tellers. First we have to understand the meaning of customer service to provide the customers with a great experience, according to English Oxford Dictionary it means,† the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.† Others, including myself, view customer service as the service given to us before, during, and after buying products/services from any business. what are the components good cs bad cs Others view customer service as what kind of service was offered to them before, during, and after they purchased a product/service in a banking facility The diagram above, comes from Corporate CoachShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Service Sector Essay1290 Words   |  6 Pagesorganizations that deal in the management of money fall in the financial service sector. They deal in many different ways through institutions like banks, insurance company, debit cards, credit cards and tools like these that offer the customers power to buy. 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