Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Negative Effects Of Consumerism - 1180 Words

Consumerism is one of the powerful influence in our society daily affects our life. The term â€Å"consumerism† no longer about the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers, but instead the idea that to be happier, better and more successful people we must have more stuff. Today we live in a time when there is little to no understanding of how the goods we consume and take for granted came into being. Without this we lack the knowledge to understand the true costs of our consumption, and the power to act. As a result, we have become disconnected from ourselves – the origin of our health, wealth and all the ‘things’ we depend on. At one point in time this belief may have been true, but with the current capitalist system and cost of†¦show more content†¦Scale overweighs quality, success surpasses decency. But even if growth is revered so sacredly, it will eventually make way for other values and goals because the room to grow is slowly diminishing; from time to time during the last few decades of the 1900s, the productivity growth went down. For too long, we’ve been manipulated to consume as much as we possibly can. To buy every new product launched, the newest car, the latest iPhone, the top brands, lots of clothes, shoes, lots and lots and lots of pretty much anything we could our hands on. It is safe to say that our popular culture is nothing more than consumer culture. James A. Roberts states, â€Å"As long as consumers attempt to signal their social power through conspicuous consumption, the levels require to make a visible statement of power will continue to rise (Roberts 124). People ar e never satisfied with what they have and everyone these days correlate the amount of what one owns with social stats saying/representing â€Å"we have made it† in a world that never seems to understand the value of morals. It is called the treadmill of consumption because first we buy our first house, but suddenly that becomes our new norm because we adapt. So that ability to adapt both serves us and can undermine our well-being. James A. Roberts declares,† PursuingShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Consumerism On Society825 Words   |  4 PagesConsumerism plays an extreme role in today’s economy and society. It is one of the key aspects of the economy growing, however it negatively affects the people of society. Consumerism has taken over society, with peoples’ need to classify themselves in a certain social status with the purchases of expensive merchandise. 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